Planning Permission and lawful development applications and support Waste Management licensing and permitting applications including technical support Waste Management licensing exemptions and support Phase I, II and III Contaminated Land investigation, assessment and remediation development and implementation Property/real estate environmental impact studies Advice and assistance on renewable energy projects
Advice on waste management operational techniques and legislative compliance Waste brokerage and management services to include inert, non-hazardous, difficult and hazardous waste streams Registered for Trans-frontier shipments in Ireland assisting waste exporters and importers Soil sampling and analysis including waste classification interpretation Waste material and management auditors measuring continuing compliance and identify potential cost savings CEEQUAL (Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment & Award Scheme) Assessment
Landfill gas management optimisation, monitoring and statutory reporting Water quality monitoring and analysis including interpretation and statutory reporting Design of mitigation measures for environmental nuisance Ecological and biodiversity surveying and auditing Design of construction ‘Site Specific Waste Management Plans’ Project management of construction site waste arisings
‘Construction Environmental Management Planning’ and auditing Design, development and implementation of user friendly ISO 9001, ISO14001 & OHSAS18001 management systems Waste expert/Expert Witness/arbitration services Assessing Fire Risks and developing Fire Management Plans Safety management auditing Environmental management auditing